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Udaipur Phosphates & Chemicals | Udaipur | 66, 000 | Project Report | |
Rama Krishi Rasayan Ltd. | Pune | 132, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Rama Phosphates Ltd. | Indore | 132, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Shivalik Fertilisers | Chandigarh | 132, 000 | 200, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with Flourine Scrubber |
Coimbatore Pioneer Fertilisers | Coimbatore | 40, 000 | 66, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with Flourine Scrubber |
Kothari Industries Corp. | Madras | 66, 000 | 132, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with Flourine Scrubber |
Maharashtra Agro Ind. Dev. Corp. | Rasayani | 40, 000 | 66, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with Flourine Scrubber |
Subhodya Chemicals Ltd. | Rajamundry | 66, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with Flourine Scrubber | |
Bangladesh Fertilisers Agro Chem. Ltd. | Dhaka | 150, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Liberty Phosphates | Udaipur | 200, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with Flourine Scrubber | |
Nath Industrial Chemicals Ltd. | Vapi | 132, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
E.I.D Parry Ltd. | Ranipet | 132, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with Flourine Scrubber | |
Sai Fertiliser Ltd. | Kolkata | 132, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Suman Phosphate and Chemicals Ltd. | Dhule | 200, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Kothari Indusrial Corp. | Chenai | 1,32,000 | 200, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs |
Tata Chemicals Ltd. | Haldia | 1,32,000 | 200, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs |
R. M. Phosphates & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. | Dhule | 1,32,000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Zuari Fertilisers And Chemicals Ltd. | Mahad | 2,00,000 SSP 2,00,000 GSSP | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Seya Industries Ltd. | Tarapur | 3,30,000 SSP 3,30,000 GSSP | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Bharat Alum & Chemicals | Alwar | 40, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA | |
Kothari Industrial Corp. | Madras | 16, 500 | 33, 000 | Revamping with conventional process |
Rama Phosphates | Indore | 50, 000 | 82, 500 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA |
Nath Industrial Chemicals | Vapi | 50, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA | |
Harshvardhan Chemicals & Minerals Ltd. | 80, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA | ||
Guljag Industries Ltd. | Contact Person - Mr. Narendra Dhoot, E-mail- n-dhoot@juljag.com , Jodhpur | 70, 000 | Knowhow & detailed Designs for DCDA, 24% and 65%Oleums, Liq. So3 and Power Generation. | |
Rama Krishi Rasayan | Pune | 16, 500 | 41, 250 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA |
Jayshree Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. | 20, 000 | 33, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
Kothari Indusrial Corp. | Madras | 16, 500 | 33, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA |
Vidula Chemicals & Manu. Industries Ltd. | Calcutta | 16, 500 | 33, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation |
Coimbatore Pioneer & Fertilisers Ltd. | 16, 500 | 33, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
Chemtech Acids | Hyderabad | 16, 500 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA | |
Tarapur Acid and Alkalies | Tarapur | 39, 600 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA | |
EGMF Lubumbashi | Republic of Congo | 59, 400 | Turn Key basis | |
Hindustan Zinc Ltd | Udaipur | 66, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA based on Roaster Gas | |
Metrochem Industries | Ahmedabad | 66, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA | |
MISA, Belgium | 247, 500 | 495, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
Varuni Biomass & Energy | Madurai | 10, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA | |
Bangladesh Fertilisers Agro Chem. Ltd. | Dhaka | 57, 750 | Knowhow & detailed designs with DCDA | |
Subhodya Chemicals | RAJMUNDHARY | 45, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
VIRCHOW LABORATORIES | HYDERABAD | 25000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD | VAPI | 80000 | 165000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation |
KUTCH CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES LTD | Contact Person - Mr. V.K Devgun, E-mail- subhaskunal@rediffmail.com ,GANDHIDHAM | 120000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
Industrial Solvents & Chemicals LTD | Contact Person - Mr. Bhavesh Shah, E-mail-bvshah@iscpl.com ,Mumbai | 100000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
National Company for Sulphur Products | Contact Person - Mr. Bahjat Idaili, E-mail - idaili@rawabi.com.sa ,Saudi Arabia | 80000 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
Seya Industries Ltd. | Tarapur | 1,81,500 | Knowhow & detailed designs DCDA with Power Generation | |
Bharat Alums & Chemicals | Alwar | 16, 500 | Knowhow & det.designs & project mgmt. | |
Aminex Chemicals | Pune | 10, 000 | 20, 000 | Expansion of batch process |
Guljag Industries Ltd. | Contact Person - Mr. Narendra Dhoot, E-mail- n-dhoot@juljag.com , Jodhpur | 16, 500 | Iron Free Alum | |
Tarapur Acid & Alkalies Ltd. | Bombay | 39, 600 | Knowhow & detailed designs Oleums 65% and Liquid So3. | |
Kamar Chemicals Ltd. | Madras | 5, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs Liq. So3. | |
Nath Industrial Chemicals Ltd. | Vapi | 20, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs Liq. So3. | |
Rama Krishi Rasayan Ltd. | Pune | 20, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Subhodya Chemicals Ltd. | 16, 500 | Knowhow & detailed designs | ||
Harshvardhan Chemicals & Minerals Ltd. | 14, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | ||
Guljag Industries Ltd. | Contact Person - Mr. Narendra Dhoot, E-mail- n-dhoot@juljag.com ,Jodhpur | 46, 000 | Knowhow & detailed designs Oleums 24, 65% and Liq. So3. | |
VIRCHOW LABORATORIES | HYDERABAD | 15000 TPA, LIQ. SO3 | Knowhow & detailed designs Oleums 24, 65% and Liq. So3. | |
AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD | VAPI | 33000 | 72000 TPA, LIQ. SO3 | Knowhow & detailed designs Oleums 24, 65% and Liq. So3. |
KUTCH CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES LTD | Contact Person - Mr. V.K Devgun, E-mail- subhaskunal@rediffmail.com ,GANDHIDHAM | 60000 TPA, LIQ. SO3 | Knowhow & detailed designs Oleums 24, 65% and Liq. So3. | |
Industrial Solvents & Chemical Ltd | Contact Person - Mr. Bhavesh Shah, E-mail-bvshah@iscpl.com ,Mumbai | 55000 TPA, LIQ. SO3 | Knowhow & detailed designs Oleums 24, 65% and Liq. So3. | |
Seya Industries Ltd. | Tarapur | 16500 30 %, 16500 65%, 75000 LIQ. SO3 | Knowhow & detailed designs Oleums 24, 65% and Liq. So3 | |
Aminex Chemicals | Pune | 10, 000 | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
VIRCHOW LABORATORIES | HYDERABAD | 20000 | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
KUTCH CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES LTD | Contact Person - Mr. V.K Devgun, E-mail- subhaskunal@rediffmail.com ,GANDHIDHAM | 33000 | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
Industrial Solvents & Chemicals Ltd | Contact Person - Mr. Bhavesh Shah, E-mail-bvshah@iscpl.com ,Mumbai | 16500 | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
Seya Industries Ltd. | Tarapur | 33000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
GULJAG INDUSTRIES LTD | Contact Person - Mr. Narendra Dhoot, E-mail- n-dhoot@juljag.com ,JODHPUR | 1650 TPA | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
KUTCH CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES LTD | Contact Person - Mr. V.K Devgun, E-mail- subhaskunal@rediffmail.com ,GANDHIDHAM | 25000 TPA | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
Seya Industries Ltd. | Tarapur | 25000 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Vishnu Chemicals Industries LTD | Hyderabad | 20000 TPA | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
EGMF Lubumbashi | Lubumbashi | 6600 TPA | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
Seya Industries Ltd. | Tarapur | 6600 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Kutch Chemicals Industries LTD | Contact Person - Mr. V.K Devgun, E-mail- subhaskunal@rediffmail.com ,Gandhidham | 2000 TPA | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
Seya Industries Ltd. | Tarapur | 4600 | Knowhow & detailed designs | |
Kutch Chemicals Industries LTD | Contact Person - Mr. V.K Devgun, E-mail- subhaskunal@rediffmail.com ,Gandhidham | 30000 TPA | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
Kiri Dyes and Chemicals Ltd | Contact Person - Mr. Pravin Kiri, E-mail- pravin@kiridyes.com , Vadodra | 30000 TPA | Complete Knowhow, detailed engg. | |
Seya Industries Ltd. | Tarapur | 33000 | Knowhow & detailed designs |